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Recruit and Retain your Manufacturing Workforce: Three Proven Strategies for Rochester Employers

Recruit and Retain your Manufacturing Workforce: Three Proven Strategies for Rochester Employers Building a skilled and dedicated workforce in the manufacturing industry presents unique challenges and opportunities. While collaborating with educational institutions and launching apprenticeship programs have proved largely beneficial, more than 65% of manufacturers say their inability to attract employees is still the top…

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The Soft Science of Finding the Right Fit

How to find the right employee for your team

Building an aligned team will be one of the most rewarding projects in the lifecycle of your business. Like all things worth doing, it’s worth doing right–and doing it right isn’t easy.

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The True Toll of Long Hiring Timelines

Employee overwhelmed at work

Recent research found that almost half of the employees surveyed ranked a growing workload as the largest contributor to their work-related stress. To grow and succeed, companies must hire the right talent. Equally, and increasingly, companies must hire at the right time.

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