Direct Hire

We understand sourcing and hiring qualified employees is one of your top business needs.
That is why we are continually building our network of hundreds of highly qualified job seekers and will work to make the match between your business and the talent that is right for you. We're committed to helping you find the people you need to move the needle and keep your day-to-day operations thriving.
Our direct hire service offering provides two options: retained or contingent, dependent on the role. We will collaboratively work with you every step of the way. Leveraging a consultative approach tailored to each client, we identify candidates who seamlessly align with your organizational culture and specific requirements.
We utilize our Greater Rochester Chamber team to find “hidden” talent in places other agencies cannot. Our sister company, Authentica, has over 25 years of experience processing 100,000+ background checks a year so we can reduce your risk and help you hire with confidence. Our robust sourcing and screening process will deliver the highest-quality candidates that best fit your business or non-profit.